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Beautiful Results. Beautiful You.

"Let your inner beauty shine

with our enhancing aesthetic laser treatments.

Acquire your well-deserved glowing skin,

a perfectly-shaped body,

and the well-being you desire."

Notre mission

Le VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa s'engage à fournir des services médico-esthétiques complets `` par excellence '', inégalés en médecine esthétique au laser dans un environnement accueillant, engageant et convivial afin de restaurer / améliorer la beauté, le bien-être et la santé de nos patients.

Notre vision

Rester le leader de la médecine esthétique au laser dans l'océan Indien et fournir des services VIP à tous les consommateurs, quels que soient leur âge, leur race, leur sexe, leur couleur et leur religion. Notre entreprise continuera à jouer son rôle pour offrir les meilleurs services technologiquement assistés ainsi qu'une gamme holistique de produits de soins naturels de haute qualité qui non seulement répondent à vos besoins, mais dépassent vos attentes.

Our Vision

As the Leader in Aesthetic Laser Medicine in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean, we are glad to offer you an array of the best and highly professional beauty and wellness services. We are certain we have what you are looking for. 

"We focus on connecting with each and every client

to help you be your natural self

in your state of total well-being."

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Nos valeurs fondamentales

  1. Assurer la sécurité des clients.

  2. Axée sur les résultats.

  3. Orientation client.

  4. Normes professionnelles et éthiques les plus élevées.

  5. Passion pour l'excellence.

  6. Innovation.

  7. L'esprit d'équipe.

Notre établissement

Le VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa est un centre de soins de beauté et de bien-être proposant des services médico-esthétiques basés sur l'application des technologies de traitement au laser les plus avancées. D'autres modalités de traitement, telles que la microdermabrasion, les ultrasons, les radiofréquences, les LED, la cryothérapie, le micro-aiguilletage, le lifting des fils et les injectables comme le Botox et les charges sont combinées avec succès pour offrir les meilleurs services possibles.

Our Establishment

At the VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa, we apply  all that is FDA-certified, namely:

  1. the most advanced aesthetic laser technologies, the Alma Lasers.

  2. the laser treatment modalities. 

  3. the beauty products made from plant extracts and imported exclusively from the USA.

Natural Beauty
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"The VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa is one of the world leaders in aesthetic medicine providing medical laser treatment for all types of skin."

Depuis les six dernières années, avec les progrès réalisés par notre expert médical laser qui est le seul diplômé à Maurice de l'American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, notre clinique s'est développée en un Spa médical orienté vers l'offre des meilleurs services ultra-modernes en beauté et soins de bien-être.

Notre spa médical unique est situé à Van der Meersch St., Beau Bassin-Rose Hill au centre de l'île, ce qui le rend accessible à tous.

Tous les traitements au laser sont effectués uniquement par notre consultant médical qui est un pionnier mondialement connu en médecine et chirurgie laser ainsi qu'en médecine esthétique avec une expérience pratique de plus de 32 ans.

Avant toute procédure de traitement, un bilan médical complet est effectué lors de la première consultation par notre consultant en charge. Aucune hospitalisation et aucune anesthésie générale ne sont nécessaires pour aucun des traitements disponibles dans notre Spa Med.

Easy Accessibility 


We are centrally located at the Regency Square, Conal St. & Mc Irvin St. corner, Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill with easy accessibility from all parts of the island. You may also reach us by Metro. The Van der Meersch Metro Station is at five minutes walk from us. 

"Aspiring Towards Perfection"

The VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa is an exclusive, state-of-the-art center. Our facilities are immaculate and constantly renovated. If you haven’t been to our clinic for a while, you are likely to find new decor, equipment and treatment methods designed to enhance your experience. So come on in and see what we can offer you!

Our highly-talented team of experienced professionals is here to pamper you. The staff at the VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa are some of the most gifted, skilled, and trusting medical spa specialists. With our top-notch treatment techniques, discover all the amazing possibilities of joining our magnificent destination. 

"We invite you to the VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa, a time and space for inspiration and regeneration of your body and mind.


Experience peace and rejuvenation in the tranquil surroundings of our CITY spa, where attentive and individualized service is delivered with exceptional care."

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Our commitment to customer satisfaction and unparalleled quality has helped fuel our growth and build an excellent reputation. Our international collaboration with the world-leading laser manufacturing company Alma Lasers has played a determining role in achieving our goals to provide you with the best laser technologies and treatments.

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What Are Our Clients Saying?

The VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa makes sure that clients are happy with the services and treatments they receive. We enjoy helping our guests look and feel more beautiful, awaken their senses, and relax their minds and bodies in a serene atmosphere.

Discover the wonderful experiences they’ve had by reading our client testimonials below. Our customers keep us alert and prospering as we value the feedback we receive from each and every one of them. 

Read below what people have to say about our spa, our staff, our facilities and our treatments. Many of our returning clients value the benefits of regular treatment to help them maintain balanced lives in today’s busy world. They know that we will only deliver the best.


Schedule an appointment for one of our mesmerising treatments and we’re sure you’ll feel the same way!

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Ï am very pleased with my treatment.


Dr Ramdawon and his team are the best in their field."

— Davis M., USA,

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“VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa is not your average medspa.


All employees are very professional, polite and knowledgeable in what they are doing. They truly care for each patient,, regardless of what service you are receiving.


Exceptional customer service, extremely clean, and such a warm welcoming environment.


I absolutely adore this place and the wonderful treatments.”

— Christine D., South Africa


"A very effective experience with the warmest welcome from the depth of heart coming from the staff.


Really a soothing effect of the treatment given to me. No reproach of any sort.


Last but not the least, I am very thankful and grateful to all the staff, including the doctor.


Thank you again and again for all. My blessings to you all."

— Deviantee S.,, India

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"I am very glad today and also very satisfied. I got this skin problem for many years. I have tried many treatments with different doctors. But I didn't recover. But today I am very happy with my skin. This Laser Clinic is one of the best for skin treatments in this country. I have enjoyed and passed many beautiful moments with the best doctor and also with his staff. I have learnt many things from the best doctor, Dr Pretidev Ramdawon. Now I am feeling well. Thank you a lot staff and doctor. 

— David V., Mauritius

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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