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The Realistic Conversion Process From Obesity to Normal Constitution

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It's not a dream. It can be realized only if you really want it!

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Myoslimming is the active conversion of fats into energy with parallel muscle toning.  Your fat deposits are eliminated, and your body muscles are strengthened. It's a two-in-one treatment procedure. 

Myoslimming uses special micro-bioelectric pulses that are compatible with our body to stimulate muscle toning and fat reduction.

Myoslimming is a non-surgical, highly effective and painless treatment to help you rapidly reduce your excess fats and achieve the shape you dream of having for your body. 

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Use Myoslimming To Achieve Your Aims!

Contact Us! 

We Are Here To Help You!

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How Much Does The Myoslimming Treatment Cost?


The price for the Myoslimming treatment course varies depending on your areas of concern, the number of treatments needed, and your ultimate goals.

One Myoslimming treatment session costs Rs 15,000  


Discounted packages for treatment are available at the clinic.

Most patients opt to receive treatments in multiple body areas in order to achieve their goals.


Create a customized treatment plan, in person, with our medical consultant - a plan that’s tailored to your body, your health condition, your goals, and your budget.

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
The Leader In Aesthetic Medicine
"Aspiring Towards Perfection"
"Nous prenons soin de vous comme personne d'autre ne le fait"  

+230 465 70 80

Regency Square, coin des rues Conal et Mc Irvin, rue Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin

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