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What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are chronic venous disorders (CVDs) of the lower extremities that are caused by venous hypertension resulting from reflux in one or more of the saphenous veins and their primary tributaries.

Therefore, varicose veins and telangiectasia (spider veins) are the visible skin surface manifestations of an underlying problem with the reverse venous flow (reflux) known as venous insufficiency syndrome.


Mild forms of chronic venous insufficiency are merely uncomfortable, annoying, or cosmetically disfiguring, but the severe venous disorder can produce serious systemic consequences and lead to loss of a limb or even life.

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What are spider veins?

Spider veins (telangiectasia) are the initially visible skin surface manifestations in the form of small, twisted blood vessels (venules and capillaries). 

The spider veins are the signs of the beginning of an underlying problem with the reverse venous flow (reflux) known as venous insufficiency syndrome. 


The next stage of this same disorder will be the development and appearance of varicose veins. 

Spider veins may look red, purple or blue and mostly appear on the legs or face.

Spider veins take their name from their striking spiderweb pattern.

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
The Leader In Aesthetic Medicine
"Aspiring Towards Perfection"
"Nous prenons soin de vous comme personne d'autre ne le fait"  

+230 465 70 80

Regency Square, coin des rues Conal et Mc Irvin, rue Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin

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