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Laser Treatment Of Haemorrhoids


Laser Treatment of Haemorrhoids (Piles)

Painful to Painfree in only 30 minutes!

  • Safe & Effective

  • No Surgical Cuts 

  • No Pain

  • No Bleeding

  • Minimally Invasive Treatment

  • Rapid Recovery After Laser Treatment

What are haemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids, also known as "piles", are enlarged or dilated or bulging venous nodules in the lower part of the rectum caused by increased pressure in the rectal veins.


Haemorrhoids may cause symptoms such as bleeding, pain, prolapse, swelling, itching, and physical & psychological discomfort.

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What Are The Causes Of Hemorrhoids?


There are several causes of haemorrhoids (piles), mainly due to the pressure increase in the veins around the rectum.

Congenital or acquired weakness of the venous walls due to weak connective tissue as a result of genetic predisposition and/or malnutrition, outflow disturbances from blood vessels of the small pelvis, sedentary lifestyle stimulating constipation and making bowel movement demand too much effort and strain - all create pathological conditions for hemorrhoid development.  

Haemorrhoids run the risk of becoming prolapsed when they are left untreated for a long time, and they undergo more and more pressure.

Other risk factors of prolapsed haemorrhoids could be:

  • Pregnancy

  • Obesity

  • Constipation

  • High fat and low fibre diet

  • Dehydration

  • Lack of physical exercise (sedentary lifestyle)

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Laser Treatment Of Hemorrhoids

Under local anaesthesia, laser energy is delivered by a radial fiber directly to the hemorrhoidal nodes, which will obliterate from inside. This will help to preserve the mucosa and sphincter with high precision.


Laser energy is used to close off the blood supply nourishing the abnormal growth. The laser energy induces destruction of the venous epithelium and simultaneous obliteration of the hemorrhoidal pile by a shrinkage effect.

The advantage of laser treatment as compared to conventional surgery is that fibrotic reconstruction generates new connective tissue, which ensures that the mucosa adheres to the underlying tissue. This also prevents the occurrence or recurrence of a prolapsed haemorrhoid. 

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Price Of Laser Treatment Of Haemorrhoids

The price of laser treatment of haemorrhoids depends on the number of haemorrhoids and their degree of complexity. 

The price starts from Rs 95,000. 

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
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