Laser Treatment Of Naevus of Ota & Naevus of Ito
What is the Naevus of Ota?
What is the Naevus of Ito?
The Naevus of Ito, initially described by Minor Ito in 1954, is a dermal melanocytic condition affecting the shoulder area. The Naevus of Ito often occurs in association with the Naevus of Ota in the same patient, but is much less common, though the true incidence is not known.
Laser Treatment Of Naevus Of Ota & Naevus of Ito

The Naevus of Ota, which originally was described by Dr M.T. Ota and Tanino (Japan) in 1939, is a hamartoma of dermal melanocytes. which clinically presents itself as a blue, grey or dark grey patch on the face, and is congenital or acquired and is within the distribution of the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve. The naevus of Ota can be unilateral or bilateral, and, in addition to skin, it may involve ocular and oral mucosal surfaces.
The sclera is involved in two-thirds of cases, causing an increased risk of glaucoma. It should not be confused with Mongolian spot, which is a birthmark caused by entrapment of melanocytes in the dermis but is located in the lumbosacral region. Women are nearly five times more likely to be affected than men, and it is rare among white people. Naevus of Ota may be congenital or not, and may appear during puberty.

Naevi of Ota & Ito are melanocytic skin growths for which no effective therapy was available until laser therapy was developed. Laser therapy has been successfully used for the removal of these naevi.
Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser has shown the best results in eliminating the Naevus of Ota and the Naevus of Ito.
Patients might need 3 - 5 sessions of laser treatment in general for the full eradication of these specific naevi. No complications and no side effects have been noted up to this date.
P I O N E E R & L E A D E R I N A E S T H E T I C M E D I C I N E
T H E F I R S T M E D S P A I N M A U R I T I U S & T H E I N D I A N O C E A N