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Vaginal Rejuvenation

The Leading Clinical Solution
For Optimal Feminine Wellness At Any Age

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What Is FemiLift?

FemiLift is a non-surgical laser treatment of the vaginal walls for various common feminine issues without any side effects

- Fast, Homogeneous Treatments

- Immediate Results

- Safe, Easy & Effective

- Minimally Invasive Outpatient Treatment

- Hygienic, Single Use Probe

- Clinically Proven

What does FemiLift treat?

FemiLift is practically a laser resurfacing treatment of the walls of the vagina that gives virtually no side effects.


The procedure is fast - it takes 10-15 minutes in all.


Next, the procedure is minimally invasive as it uses a pixel CO2 laser to create microscopic channels (microchannels) in the vaginal walls together with the effect of targeted bursts of controlled heat to cause vaginal tightening.

The FemiLift treatment stimulates collagen & elastin growth together with the improvement of blood circulation due to the development of new blood vessels (neo-vascularization). 


In all, the FemiLift treatment gives a tightening, rejuvenating and refreshing effect on the vaginal tissues, thereby triggering your body's immune system to follow by a natural healing response, and improving lubrication, strengthening the vaginal walls and supporting ligaments around the bladder and urethra as well as reducing the rate of recurring infections.

FemiLift is an easy and minimally invasive treatment that can rapidly solve numerous feminine issues.

This simple, pain-free procedure can make a huge difference in your lives. These issues are much more common than you would even imagine, and now they're really easy to solve. We think it's time to get the conversation going – and do something about it. This website will help you find out how FemiLift can help you reclaim your inner joy!

Sitting Model
  • Vaginal Laxity (VL)

  •  Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

  • Post-Menopausal Atrophy (PMA)

  • Post-Delivery Rehabilitation (PDR)

  • Vaginal Dryness (VD)

  • Recurring Vaginal Infections (RVI) 

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
The Leader In Aesthetic Medicine
"Aspiring Towards Perfection"
+230 465 70 80
+230 5 259 26 66 (WhatsApp)

Regency Square, corner of Conal & Mc Irvine St., Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin

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